Gujarat High Court on Wednesday ordered a stay on the ongoing construction of RCC road in Manekbaug Co-operative Housing Society in Nehrunagar after one of the residents filed a petition. They moved the court as they have been inconvenienced due to improper construction of road and pleaded that necessary changes be made at the earliest. Advocate Hemang Shah represented the petitioners in the court. Next hearing in the case is scheduled for June 9.
According to the petitioners, ever since the workers began construction on the RCC road, the residents have been unable to park their cars on their premises. This, because the level of the new RCC road is higher than the level of their society's ground level. The road is being constructed under state government's 80:20 scheme, which was introduced when Narendra Modi was the chief minister.
"As per tender conditions by the AMC, before constructing the road in the society the contractor was supposed to remove the asphalt road. But he did not do that and instead paved the RCC road on top of the asphalt road. This was done to avoid the cost of excavation which could have been between Rs 3 lakh and Rs 5 lakh. As it was not done, the level of the road has gone higher than the ground level," said Hemang Shah.
"The tender states stormwater lines have to be in place before the RCC road is built. But even that has not been done. The society's management did not think of the problems this would cause. We suspect irregularities in the project. The society's roads are so high that we are forced to park our vehicles on the public road," said Neil Bhalakia, a resident. Nimesh Shah, another resident, said, "The road itself is proof of the goof-up they have done. Now, during the rain water will enter our homes and that will be another problem." Society's chairman N P Patel refuted the allegations, saying, "It is still being decided whether the asphalt road should be removed or not."
According to the petitioners, ever since the workers began construction on the RCC road, the residents have been unable to park their cars on their premises. This, because the level of the new RCC road is higher than the level of their society's ground level. The road is being constructed under state government's 80:20 scheme, which was introduced when Narendra Modi was the chief minister.
"As per tender conditions by the AMC, before constructing the road in the society the contractor was supposed to remove the asphalt road. But he did not do that and instead paved the RCC road on top of the asphalt road. This was done to avoid the cost of excavation which could have been between Rs 3 lakh and Rs 5 lakh. As it was not done, the level of the road has gone higher than the ground level," said Hemang Shah.
"The tender states stormwater lines have to be in place before the RCC road is built. But even that has not been done. The society's management did not think of the problems this would cause. We suspect irregularities in the project. The society's roads are so high that we are forced to park our vehicles on the public road," said Neil Bhalakia, a resident. Nimesh Shah, another resident, said, "The road itself is proof of the goof-up they have done. Now, during the rain water will enter our homes and that will be another problem." Society's chairman N P Patel refuted the allegations, saying, "It is still being decided whether the asphalt road should be removed or not."