Malhar Thakar starer Gujarati movie Passport is all set to hit the screens by the end of this month. The movie stars Belarus actress Anna Adore along with Malhar Thakar in lead roles. The film is written by Paresh Vyas and directed by Rajesh Sharma. Story of the film is set in Ahmedabad.
Gujarati movie Passport Synopsis
Anna, who is an art student in USA comes to Gujarat (India) to complete research about heritage in Ahmedabad. During her visit in Ahmedabad, she meets some students at her host college who help her with the research. During her research, she looses her bag which has her passport, phone, cash and credit cards. And the chase to get the passport back begins.
The film revolves around the chase of getting the passport back. Passport has captured the essence of old Ahmedabad.
Official poster of Passport
Gujarati movie Passport Cast & Crew
- Writer: Paresh Vyas
- Director: Rajesh Sharma
- Music Director: Mehul Surti
- Actors: Malhar Thakkar, Anna Adore, Ujjaval Dave, Lipi Goyal, Jayesh More, Ashish Vashi
Synopsis and poster of the movie has already kept us waiting for the film. Are you too going to watch Passport on first day first show on 4th November 2016? Add your views in comments below.